Support for my child

Worrying about your child can be one of the hardest struggles of parenthood. We live in an unprecedented time, in which there are more sources of stress for children and young people than ever before.

  • Are you concerned about your child’s mental health or well-being?
  • Is your child anxious?
  • Has the pandemic affected your child’s well-being?
  • Is your child struggling with the current demands of school?

I offer two options:

  1. Confidential consultations with parents to develop a set of skills and approaches tailored to your family circumstances. A 50-minute session is 1,600 czk.
  2. Individual sessions for children and young people focused on understanding their needs and experiences and offering them tools to use. I use a mixture of virtual rooms, with targeted activities, and face-to-face work, depending on the individual young person’s needs and preferences. A 50-minute individual session is 1,600 czk. 

Please contact me for more information about how I can help.

My virtual office
Virtual calm room